Your mom (M): “I’ve just posted a new post in our blog.” Your dad (D): “Really?” M: “Yeah.” D: “I’ve always loved your writing! I’m your no. 1 fans!” M: “Even though my writing is a sure mess?” D: “I’ve liked it since I was hitting on you.” Your mom is awesome, kids. And your […]
To Our Future Kids
To Our Future Kids #5
In the year 2013, your dad won his first cup (non international competitions) in Ankara. His FIRST cup in like EVER! Sorry for our expressions. The photo was taken at FIVE in the MORNING. No! Don’t laugh at your dad. He loves football and he is awesome, almost as awesome as I am, he’s just, […]
To Our Future Kids #4
Hi kids! Your parents are awesome! And here is another proof of their awesomeness. Only your parents can pose like that and still look awesome! 😀
To Our Future Kids #3
Hi kids! Your awesome parents are here again! So, you still don’t believe that we are awesome? Check these out! [youtube=] It’s your dad, when he was 24 years old. Quite young, eh? Is he still handsome now? I believe he is. And it’s your mom, acting randomly to test her webcam. Do we have […]
To Our Future Kids #2
Kids, this is not the story of how I met your dad (to get the joke, you should build a time machine and go to year 2005 – 2013, when How I Met Your Mother was quite a hit. I knew the series from your dad and we’ve been watching it together ever since. Season […]